1. How to get there



15 rue Haute

02820 Saint Erme Outre et Ramecourt

Tel  +33 323801846 (French & English spoken, only if you are lost)

A map of Saint Erme, we are next to number 3(church).

GPS coordinates

49.5134721, 3.8360952

Getting there by car

You can plan your route to PAF on www.viamichelin.com, for example. If you don’t find the way in Saint Erme, ask how to get to the old convent (“le vieux couvent”). Everyone knows where it is and can show you the way.

Getting to Saint Erme by train

For information on how to get from Paris, or from Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport, to Saint Erme, please consult our specific timetable for 3 - 5 July. Or use the website of the French national railway SNCF.

Please note!

Getting from Saint Erme train station to PAF

The distance from the station to PAF is about 2200 m. We can pick you up at the station, either by taxi or with one of our cars. If you would like to be picked up, you need to let us know / confirm your time of arrival as soon as possible and by 3 July latest. Email ecite2015@gmail.com. If you want to organise it yourself, or walk, read on, otherwise skip to section 2, travel coordination.

By taxi

You can call Taxi Leblanc at +33 323226909. If you want to take a taxi from Laon, call them in advance, as they have to come from Saint Erme. If you have a lot of luggage, let them know. The trip from Saint Erme station to PAF normally costs € 5, from Laon to PAF it’s € 30. A 3 to 4 person taxi costs the same as a 7 to 8 person one. Before 07:00 and after 19:00 and on weekends the price is € 40.


Take the road opposite the station between the Pharmacie and the Tabac (Cap Vert) and keep going for about 2200 m till you see a big building...

2. Travel coordination

Below we have included some arrival times people have already sent us. If you are coming by train, it would be great if you could join them, by catching a train arriving at those specified times. That way we could come and pick you up at Saint Erme station all together. We will update this information continually so check back if you can.

Arrivals on 3 July.

Some people are arriving at Saint Erme at: 14:59, 15:39

Arrivals on 4 July.

Some people are arriving at Saint Erme at: 12:51

Drivers, their route and time of departure:

Up till now we know of no car from Paris on 4 July.


The last train from Paris to Saint Erme is at 17:46. But there are later trains to Reims or Laon, and, if necessary we will come pick you up, or you can take a taxi.

Arrivals on 5 July

Some people are arriving at Saint Erme at: 11:34, 12:15, about 14:00, 17:23

Drivers, their route and time of departure:

  • Ulli Wittemann (ulliwittemann@web.de): "I have 2 places left in my car from Mannheim main train station to ECITE on sunday at 12:30 and back after the event! Happy to share!"
  • Arrivals on 6 July

    No information about taxi sharing as yet. Nobody coming from Paris by car.

    3. Accommodation in Paris

    [...this section has been removed after ECITE]